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Breaking News!
The Gonzo Survivors
at the Devil's Backbone Tavern
Feb 8 • 1-4PM

Bob's Patreon Page
songs, stories, outtakes, videos, livestreams & more

Bob Livingston
Texas Commission on the Arts
'Touring Roster' 2024 - 2026

Book Bob Livingston thru the Texas Commission on the Arts as a solo, duo, trio, with a full band and with the Cowboys & Indians. Apply for a grant to help cover fees... Go HERE for all the info.
Listen to Bob's Boot Story on NPR's Texas Standard Here
...and while you're listening to Bob's story, look out for Bob in the Ken Burns PBS Country Music Special and in the Outlaws & Armadillos exhibit at the Country Music Hall of Fame
in Nashville...

L to R (as much as we can tell): Susanna Clark, John Inmon, Jim Stafford, Loretta Lynn, Guy Clark,
Gary P Nunn, Jerry Jeff Walker, Kelly Dunn, Michael Brovsky, unidentified picker, Bob Livingston
& Susan Walker.
Up The Flatland Stairs on Howlin' Dog Records
Bob & Tucker Livingston's Tours for the US State Department

Bob & his son Tucker "Love is real!" in the Middle East, Africa, India & more! US State Department tours to over 30 countries . Watch a mini-doc on Youtube!
Thanks for dropping by. BE SAFE & have fun exploring the rest of the site!
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